I just hope this bill does not become into a law or I'm going to move out of U.S and live somewhere where we have internet rights (Canada...oooh yeahh~). Nah, just kidding, I actually don't know what to do.
I just want to say that if this fucked up bill gets passed, I really appreciate my affiliates, readers, anon readers, blogwalkers, and all of you *sobs*. I really appreciate that you would take your time and read my blog or accept my affiliation request. It really means the world to me. You guys are awesome! I'm may not be on hiatus right now though, but if this bill does get passed (like earlier), then I am going to be on hiatus even though I don't want to. It has been a pleasure blogging with you guys.Well, with that being said, on to downloading everything I love and want to keep before they blackout the internet (that means mass downloading woot woot!). There is still arguments about this, so there is a chance that they may not pass it down. But, in any case that I am going to be on hiatus, feel free to contact me in Neopets or Club Penguin. My username is Peachey521. Anyways, I made a twitter account today so I could start stalking some people. Follow me!
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